Member-only story

It’s been a while. After sharing the suspension training program that I designed, well, I ran it for a while. Two months or so. But already a month in, I was facing the reality that suspension training, while having its good points (portability, easy to do, etc) was never going to be like pushing myself against some iron. So, a little over a month in I staked out many, many websites looking for an adjustable kettlebell. At the end of August, I found one for “only” $40 over MSRP. So the next question was: what the hell do I do with it?
After a fair amount of searching, and a false start with another program, I settled into Dan John’s 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Workout. While this program didn’t get me into a lot of the different kettlebell movements available out there, turns out the bell I purchased isn’t really made for much outside of swings, so this was the best choice.
I’ll measure progress on this the same way I’ve done with suspension training: a handful of body measurements. I haven’t done any squats, bench, overhead or deadlifts in over half a year now, so who knows what my 1RMs are this point.
- Body weight: 188 lbs -> 189 lbs
- Arms: ~16 inches -> ~15.5 inches
- Legs: ~26 inches -> ~25.5 inches