This is my third review for my year of 5/3/1 Forever. S.V.R. II was first, Black Army Jacket was second.
After doing Spinal Tap sets in Black Army Jacket, I switched back to a more vanilla 5/3/1 experience with Pervertor. Pervertor can be looked at as a more intense S.V.R. II, it changes the supplemental work weekly while otherwise largely sticking the to the tried and true 5/3/1 experience. Like all the other programs I’ve run this year, Pervertor uses an 85% training max (TM).
But let’s get to the numbers:
Overhead Press (OHP): 175 lbs → 160 lbs
Back Squat: 420 lbs → 395 lbs
Bench: 280 lbs → 265 lbs
Deadlift: 440 lbs → 450 lbs
Bodyweight: 184 lbs → 190 lbs
Body fat: 15.4% → 17.4%
It’s tough to find a silver lining to this. One rep maxes regressed (outside of deadlift), body weight went up, body fat went up. This was a slog, by far the most demanding template I’ve done so far in my year of 5/3/1 Forever, and I don’t have anything positive to show for it. Much like S.V.R. II, I see my numbers dipping a bit. Unlike S.V.R. II, this one didn’t feel like a nice break. You can probably already tell what I’ll say overall about this one, but let’s get into the specifics.
What Is Pervertor?
Likely named after the album by Lord Mantis, Pervertor is another template in 5/3/1…