I think you’re right to question that statement, because it’s not really true! I should have written it more personalized: four ab exercises have worked for me personally and those are the plank, hollow body holds, hanging leg raises and ab roller. This is likely not a universal thing, but my subjective experience that I like to use as a basis for advice.
Many fitness experts agree that two popular ab exercises are not good for people to do: crunches and sit-ups. I know I did more than my far share of those at the instruction of gym teachers, football coaches and track coaches!
So, I like to push the ones that I think work the best based on my experience. I’ve tried out others that were too easy (bird dogs, glute bridge) and others that seemed not nearly as effective (Pallof press, kneeling cable crunches) and others still that seem needlessly complicated (Russian twists, medicine ball pike). But any of those might work for someone else!
Thanks for the heads. It’s a good reminder to have more care when I write these reviews.